Sunday, September 2, 2012

Diaries of statia                                             - Sharks….

Correction. There are sharks at statia. So Josh was telling us more about his fishing trip from the other day and after you swim out for a while.. There are reef sharks. Apparently they aren’t dangerous and blab la bla. But guess what people!. There are reef sharks on shark week. That bite people!!! Ahh!! Well josh said the biggest shark they saw out there was 6 feet. Its just a baby.. oh ok that doesn’t sound too bad for a shark. Then I thought some more and guess what! 6 feet is taller than me! Eek. Todd has even seen one 12 feet fishing so he left!! Ahh! They stay far far out but that does not do anything for my imagination :/ .. Anyways ya I just needed to go off about that for a minute.